
Something to think about....

I was reading a while ago the book Isabel Moctezuma, about the daughter of Moctezuma Xocoyotzin, one of the last aztec rulers. It is fiction but is based on a lot of historical facts (Totally recommendable).

Well just by reading that book, it made me realize many things. I belong to the "white" side of Mexico (and the rich and educated elite), and I could be so European sometimes (way of thinking, dress, etc..) but I have native blood running through my veins.

The aztecs and many other tribes were in the land long before the Spaniards. By reading chronicles from the aztecs or the mayans, I can understand many things from the actual Mexican oiciety, such as the social system and the differences between classes.

However I will never understand why did we have to pass from one of the cleanest societies in the world, with some of the most educated men and women to a mediocre, ignorant and dirty race.

At least we still have some culture and traditions but... oh boy I would have killed to shower more than three times a day and to have duck with mole or tamales with escamoles!!!


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