Mexico, a country of ancient ruins

Some of the things I love about my country are the numerous archaeological sites.

So... This is just to show some of the ones that I have visited on 2010!!

1. Teotihuacan

2. Tajín

3. Dzibilchaltún

we are all different to eachother, but we are all mexicans!

burrito time!

I went out for a walk and found a burrito place.

Wow!! Best burrito ever!! huge!!! and super good!!


Before Tlaltecuhtli, this was the largest monolith found at the ruins of Tenochtitlan. Coyolxauhqui, discovered in 1978.

File:Coyolxauhqui 4095977415 b89d64f008-2.jpg

Coyolxauhqui was the daughter of Coatlicue and Mixcoatl and is the leader of the Centzon Huitznahuas, the star gods. Coyolxauhqui was a powerful magician and led her siblings in an attack on their mother, who had become pregnant.

The pregnancy of Coatlicue, the maternal Earth deity, made her other children embarrassed, including her oldest daughter, Coyolxauhqui. As she swept the temple, a few hummingbird feathers fell into her bosom. Coatlicue’s fetus, Huitzilopochtli, sprang from her womb in full war armor and killed Coyolxauhqui, along with her 400 brothers and sisters. He cut off her limbs, then tossed her head into the sky where it became the moon, so that his mother would be comforted in seeing her daughter in the sky every night.


So the biggest monolith with original color ever found from the Aztec culture represents Tlaltecuhtli, dicovered in 2007. 

Tlaltecuhtli was a dual god from the aztec mythology. It is described as a sea monster who dwelled in the ocean after the fourth Great Flood, an embodiment of the raging chaos before creation. Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca tore her in half, throwing half upwards to create the sky and stars and leaving the other half to become the land of the earth. She remained alive, however, and demanded human blood. 


Something to think about....

I was reading a while ago the book Isabel Moctezuma, about the daughter of Moctezuma Xocoyotzin, one of the last aztec rulers. It is fiction but is based on a lot of historical facts (Totally recommendable).

Well just by reading that book, it made me realize many things. I belong to the "white" side of Mexico (and the rich and educated elite), and I could be so European sometimes (way of thinking, dress, etc..) but I have native blood running through my veins.

The aztecs and many other tribes were in the land long before the Spaniards. By reading chronicles from the aztecs or the mayans, I can understand many things from the actual Mexican oiciety, such as the social system and the differences between classes.

However I will never understand why did we have to pass from one of the cleanest societies in the world, with some of the most educated men and women to a mediocre, ignorant and dirty race.

At least we still have some culture and traditions but... oh boy I would have killed to shower more than three times a day and to have duck with mole or tamales with escamoles!!!

World Cup

No comments!!!

Every 4 years, I hear the same story.....

It is like 2002 and 2006 all over again....

same coach and same strategy as in 2002 and same team as in 2006.....

I should get used to it but I refuse to believe that we are always going to be a mediocre team!

the escense of football

I was watching the US game downtown Mexico and I was so annoyed. Really!! People were cheering for Ghana and booing the US.... Come on!! I am quite sure that those people don't even know where Ghana is!!!

That actually made me really sad. I was not cheering for the US but I was not cheering for Ghana just for the US to loose.... It was hard to be surrounded by all this anti-American feelings. And I am pretty sure that people wanted the US to loose just because of the issue with Arizona.. PLEASE!!! That is soo silly!! True, I don't like Donovan either, but I am not going to turn my back on the whole US team just because of a immigration law (which I totally agree with)!!! Pfff......That happens when ythe mayority of our population are uneducated and ignorant!!

And it is football..... And the Word Cup!l!!! People should enjoy the game, regardless of who is playing, except in cases where there is a connection. Like I support the Mexican team, right??

Do the Mexicans don't remember when they hosted the world cup back in 86?? Remember what the song said?? We should be friends in the game!!! The world is brought together by a soccer ball!!! We are in happy times that we only get to live every four years. Enjoy the matches and leave the hate behind!!!

Just to refresh your memory....

mexico is good at soccer... and sandwiches!

I'm too tired  to put something up this weekend.... And since it's the world cup, well... I'll leave you with this avertisement prepared by the Mexican team... hope they do much better than in the ad!

National anthem

I am getting very nationalistic hehe

Probably all this bicentennial brainwash that we are having... or maybe because of the world cup

Anyway, I am posting the Complete National Anthem. I just love it!!! Just listen to the lyrics.. best thing ever!!

Lyrics at:, and translation in the English site ;)


I am so confused!!

Why are we celebrating September 15, 1810??

We celebrate that day because Porfirio Díaz wanted to celebrate his 80th birthday on that day in 1910... In any case, we should be celebrating the 16th because that's when it all started....

Anyway, I have a list of dates that are more relevant than the one we celebrate.

- August 25, 1821: Juan O'Donoju (the last viceroy) acknowledges the Mexican Independence from Spain.

- September 27, 1821: Victorious entrance of the army in the country's capital

- September 28, 1821: Signing of the declaration of Independence

In any case.... there is no bicentennial... We haven't been independent for 200 years!!! That is such a lie!!

And these series of celebrations do nothing but upset me because the media and the government don't tell the truth: that we are celebrating the bicentennial and the centennial of the start of the two most important revolutionary movements in Mexico.   

Anyway... let's all get together and join the celebrations!! Even though I doubt they'll be better than the ones a 100 years ago....

First flag with the 3 colors and the Declaration of Independence

Juan O'Gorman en Chapultepec

Uno de mis murales favoritos, especialmente porque me siento como en buscando a Wally. Me gusta saber de historia y encontrar a los personajes. En esta parte del mural están Hidalgo, Allende, Aldama, Jiménez, Morelos, Doña Josefa, el Corregidor, López Rayón, Guerrero, Leona Vicario, Guadalupe Victoria, los Bravo, Mina, entre otras personalidades de nuestra independencia. Pudiera pasar horas en frente de ese mural.

Alicia Rivas Mercado

This one is for my mom,

If you're interested is the door to the inside of the monument to the Independence of Mexico and the portrait is from Alicia, the architect's daughter

a bit of history

The Chapultepec castle is also famous because it was the place where the Chapultepec battle was held during the Mexican-American war in 1847.

The castle was then the Mexican Army's military academy and during the war, 6 cadets died defending the castle. One of them wrapped himself with the Mexican flag and jumped from the roof of the castle to keep it from falling into enemy hands. So they are very remembered because of their bravery. 

Some statues remembering them can be seen in one of the castle's gardens, and there is a large mural in the ceiling from one of the staircases. Outside the castlegrounds, there is also a monument conmemorating their death.


moving the remains of the mexican indendence heroes

I actually couldn't be there... traffic was horrible and it was impossible to get there. However, the day before I saw the rehearsal of the ceremony... Not the same but I could imagine what would happen.

Mexico's Bicentennial

Ok, so I found one of the weirdest things ever. There is going to be a parade with the remains of the heroes from the Mexican Independence War. It's this sunday and of course I'm not going. It'll be super crowded (Even the president will be there)..... mmm, I prefer to watch it on TV... much easier!

More info at:

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